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  • Atlas Minerals and Chemicals


“Stuff That Works” is a song written by Terri Clark and Rodney Crowell and sung by Guy Clark. The first line is “Stuff that works stuff that holds up”, isn’t that what many of us want? Stuff that is functional, worth the value while providing value and performance for a long period of time, and certainly worth the investment.

Featured is a 38 year old polypropylene tank, an Anchor Lok HDPE Sump installed in 2007 and a customer who returned to the same “stuff that worked.”

38 Years Old PP Liner

This Polypropylene drop in liner was fabricated in 1983. After 38 years of service the owner decided it was time to replace.

Plastic fabrications are not designed for 3+ decades of service, that this served that length of time is a testament to its design, and to the skill of the craftsmen who performed the welding. Stuff that holds up!

16 Years of Service and Continuing

In 2007, this 10’ x 12’ x 18’ deep Anchor Lok HDPE sump was installed in a West Virginia chemical facility.

Having been in continual use for 16 years, the process engineer thought it wise to have it inspected along with maintenance upgrades to the sump.

Almost 16 years to the date of installation, Atlas field service technicians completed a thorough inspection, including spark testing, the sump was found to be in great condition to continue its service life.

Pictured is a top view of the sump. While there is some residue noticable on the Anchor Lok, the sump is not compromised.

Basin Restoration Project

A chemical manufacturer installed an acid brick lining system consisting of “Singles” or 2 ¼” thick acid brick placed on #40 Membrane (hot applied asphaltic) and joined with Carbo Alkor mortar.

As you can observe it was a successful installation.

You may have noticed the title went from “Basins” to “Basin”. The original plan was to brick line two basins. However, that scope changed in 2020. The facility had new individuals involved who thought a protective coating would perform and be less money.

Atlas declined to bid a coating system for this application and another protective coating was selected and installed.

As expected, the protective coating was not sufficient for the service and the plant wants to return to the “stuff that worked.”

Atlas is grateful and thankful for our 131st year and producing quality products has a lot to do with that longevity.

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