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Atlas Minerals and Chemicals

CHEMPRUF LININGS for Containment Areas

ATLAS has many options for containment areas based on the chemistry involved. We have seen the use of Anchor-Lok, Brick, Polymer Concrete, and Fabric-reinforced Linings with success. These two projects had a cast of chemicals and concentrations that led us to the use of both Chempruf 130 and Chempruf 1410.

The first project was a containment area that was roughly 800 sq ft. They had an assortment of chemicals involved, but what led us to use the Chempruf 130 was the combination of Chromic and Acetic acid. The area was properly prepped and neutralized. Over the course of a week, the product was put in. While the installation was going on multiple comments were made about the flake they could see within the coating. The end user liked how the flake would provide an extra layer of permeation resistance within the containment area. After the project was finished everyone was pleased with not only the ease of installation but also how great the area looked aesthetically.

The second project was at a steel mill. There were three separate containment areas that would need to be coated. All areas would have immersion exposure to 15% sodium hypochlorite (bleach). The mill wanted something with a bit more “bite” to it. They went with Chempruf 1410 with 410 Finisher. This would ensure that there would be a high enough abrasion resistance to protect the surface, preventing damage and maintaining the structural integrity of the areas. Time was not as big of an issue with this installation and was done over a 2-month period. After completion, the mill was happy with its thickness (around 90-mils). They feel this lining will give them the strength and chemical resistance needed to last through multiple production cycles.

ATLAS understands the importance of protection and to be able to provide multiple alternatives for the combinations of chemistry that a “generic” coating cannot handle. Both customers had a clear vision of what they wanted and ATLAS was able to not only meet that request but do it with options.

ASK ATLAS for the best solution to your chemical containment needs.



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