CCM - Brick & Tile Floors, Setting Beds, Grouts & Mortars
Atlas VTF System
The Atlas VTF System uses vitrified tile to offer optimal aesthetics, uniformity, and durability while providing a broad range of chemical resistance. Vitrified tiling combines high compression strength and low absorption with immunity to impact and thermal shock.
Tiles are placed in Atlas VTF Setting Bed with joint widths as narrow as 5/64″ to 1/8″ (2mm to 3mm)
Joint width is achieved by proper placement of straight edge or self-spacing tile
Tile is power-grouted to provide smooth, consistent jointing throughout the floor.
ANSI 108.6 Compliant
The finished floor is chemically resistant to food and its byproducts as well as aggressive CIP and other cleaning compounds. Its antimicrobial design and ease of cleanability produce a sanitary floor for many years of service.